Popular TV-series “Brexit” has been renewed for 2020, although the authors are reportedly uncertain about how to find an end to the whole story. Some observers believe that “Brexit” might just never end.
“Possibly the decision to renew the series is due to the choice of giving the authors a chance to come up with a credible finale” declares Rocco Reza Moller, a TV series critic for The Hollywood Reporter. “They tried their hand with different leading authors, but none worked”.
Worried comments started appearing on the web pages of Brexit fans in the last weeks. “We don’t want to end up like Game of Thrones” wrote a Fiona DeLazzaro from Bath. “I bet the authors have no idea where they are at. It feels like Lost all over again” claimed David McFluff from Worcester.
The latest choice has been that of assigning the leadership to comedian-turned-politician Boris Johnson. Such comedy twist is yet to deliver its results. In the meantime, there have been signs of increasing dissent withing the writers’pool, as one of the aides of Mr. Johnson decided to leave the show overnight.
Mr. Johnson defined the defection “a very childish act”, as he believes that “we will be able to improve our ratings soon and come up with an end that will please our viewers”.
The task is even harder if we consider that most of the fan base is still attached to the earlier line with Theresa May, whose character was meant to “represent the struggle of a normal person faced with challenges that are way too big for her”, claims Mr. Reza Moller. In particular, “many fans developed a soft spot for her in the ‘cringe dance’ episodes, when Theresa tried to become popular with an audience performing a slouching set of moves” believes Reza Moller.
The show got rid of the character because it had become clear that no finale would have ever been possible with Mrs. May leading the show.