World to run out of Covid-19 jokes if lockdown not lifted by end of month, claims CDC

Posted on Apr 20 2020 - 9:40am by Ricarda Stevenson

Atlanta, Georgia – Magdalena Williamstone is the director of the Entertainment Division at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, and her take on Covid-19 is clear: “Soon people will run out of gags, jokes, memes and all the other b*llshit they use to cope with the harshness of the lockdown”.

Mrs. Magdalena Williamstone in her office outfit

The expiration date for global humor has been estimated by the institute for the end of April, 2020.

“It has become a Covid-19 tradition” continues Mrs. Williamostone “that every morning you wake up and you receive a whatsapp from your mum with a week old joke”.

As such this is no problem, “but statistically speaking the jokes forwarded by your parents were just a couple of days old, not an entire week. The world is definetly running out of humorous inventions” concludes Mrs. Williamstone.

The CDC is starting a program to feed the internet with new jokes in order to keep the machine going “at least for a bit”, as a report by the institute claims.

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