Mexico City, Mexico – The Mexican border patrol is already on white alert: “If any of those Americans will try to cross the wall to escape the snow, we will shoot at first sight” claims Armando Lopéz, a sergeant at the border town of Juarez.
“Sincerely speaking” claims Mr. Lopéz “we never thought that this Trump thing could become so useful”. Just behind the wall, on the US side snowflakes are piling up building a six or seven feet high snow mantel. It is a stark contrast to the situation in Mexico just a few inches apart, where people are sunbathing and drinking Pina Coladas.
In the main Mexican cities harsh US migrants searches have started in order to repatriate illegal American vacationers. Al Devereux, a car dealer from Arizona, was found in a hotel on the Cancùn shore with his wife and three kids, and had to take the way to the airport immediately.
“It’s nonsensical” declared Mr. Devereux “because I have been coming here since my college Spring Breaks for the traditional binge-drinking. I cannot understand this change of policy all of a sudden”.
The White House is said to be negotiating some US quota agreements in order to allow small contingents of people from Montana and Vermont to go to Mexico – at least for some hours. Nicknamed the “Unfreezers”, they will depart with special heated Greyhounds reaching warmer climates after days of dangerous travel on frozen roads.